days ago I http://www.volksfaden.de/ the online store and am thrilled. Various materials from USA, Japan and more can be found there. Very colorful, large patterns and beautiful qualities.
So, first things first: Why is it printed fabrics by Michael Miller ( http://www.michaelmillerfabrics.com/ ), Etsuko Furuya ( http://www.f-echino.com/tex.html ), Amy Butler ( http://www.amybutlerdesign.com/ ), Hilco, Alexander Henry ( http://www.ahfabrics.com/ ) indicates ..... and organic cotton, too! Who exactly how far this con designers in the states best
has ellt, is pleased that now the postage is less .... no duty ...... wonderful!
Who knows http:// ww w.volksfaden.de / ? I found this wonderful shop in Germany. The shop owner sells very colorful fabrics, mostly cotton from well known designers like Amy Butler, Michael Miller, Etsuko Furuya, Hilco, Alexander Henry ..... and organic cotton, too!
For people from the European countries a new opportunity to buy fabrics here in Europe!

For people from the European countries a new opportunity to buy fabrics here in Europe!
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