Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Are Hydroxycut Commericals Fake

report and photos of the Christmas cruise 2009

In Buddhism it says that it brings good luck when a mendicant something!

I am not a monk, but still on a begging tour!

On 23 November I will go to Romania for a few days - the annual Christmas tour is upon us.

stuff we have on our donations - many packets already packed - but I know from experience that it is never enough!

So I would ask all of you who tsspe perhaps a little Christmas " want to make boards - please think of "our" children in Romania.
There must be no large donations!
€ Each (and every cent) is most directly benefit the children!
So you can imagine a little what we do with the money, then I add the report to the Christmas tour of 2009.

And perhaps it is true that what Buddhism says:
give something to a monk begging for good luck!
Try it out! Thank you!

Dear friends, dear H turnkey, dear donors,

thanks to you all, we have again got a VW bus full charge to provide relief supplies together, and our wallet was so far despite the crisis filled, that I could go on the Christmas trip.

I w he was more than fully loaded with Christmas parcels, which were collected mainly by Beate Richter (from Tusch & Richter) and packed with love.

Some other "sponsors" had me pass packets for "their" families in Romania.

The "rest" are food packages that I had compiled FÜ r kinderrreichen especially the families, and lots of sweets for the children.

On Wednesday afternoon I could from this exit s because I was very lucky with the weather, at night I was at 3 h in Cehu Silvaniei.

with Mariana (my tireless "Mittelmännin"), I had each night emergencies discussed, and where each of the most urgent needs, or can be helped. Early this morning we have created the list to see who would get how much money.

Together with Marcel we then unloaded the bus and packed it according to the drop points again.
have the packages for some families in Cehu, the kindergartens in Cehu and Somes-Odorhei left me, and I then made the round trip.

My first goal was Zalnoc, where most of our supported families. Gheorge Girzau had already informed the respective families, and they were waiting for me outside the house of Ghirzaus.

Gheorge I had prepared a table, and called the mothers of families each come individually. I could speak so disturbed with the individual families and jointly consider how to proceed could. After the money handed over, the families were then compiled for each of them packages. Since the children of the families at this time were still in school or kindergarten, the parents could take the packet home with them, at least in these families, it is certain that the "Chris Child" will come in all packages were toys and many sweets for children. have

The families have no solid sponsors in Germany, received by me food parcels.

There were all very happy. The aid, more than called. The situation that I found was worse than in all the years.

The large Theme is "the crisis" - have even 6 year old tells me that this time in the kindergarten were no sweets for Christmas - because of the crisis!

All the German and Japanese companies (many auto suppliers) have moved their production to Romania have very many of the laid off employees and workers - Romanian factories and laid off workers a day - for lack of orders. Other jobs are not in sight. This makes waves. The dismissed workers now worry about its own things, such as firewood procurement, garden and field heir, - for those who had taken over the work previously mostly for food instead of money, is even this small earnings away.

No one has money, no one buys anything. This in turn brings many of the small shopkeeper, the Christmas tree seller, the hairdressers, the florist, the small restaurants and cafes on the edge of ruin.

All schools and kindergartens in November had a week now and closed in December for a week. The teachers and kindergarten teachers had to take one weeks unpaid leave. For many children, the little meal they receive in school or nursery is often the only reliable meal of the day.

There are always the child he, and the very old, with their tiny Pensions which have suffered first under this emergency. In many families, not even enough money for the necessary firewood.

I had the money which I had then still divided once, and stretched again to at least a little hope left anywhere.

After nearly 3 hours I had heard all the concerns of Zalnocer families - and all laid out what I had for them there.

There were many tears. Tears of joy but also tears of misery and shame.

And as always - my goodness, my money with what was available - it was too little.

Then I made my way back, and in the Bobota Eugenia Bratislava paid a little visit. The situation at the house of Bratislava has become more relaxed as the two grandchildren that Eugenia had raised (Andrei could even finish the Universty) to some extent on her own stand.
Andrea works as a domestic help and nanny in Italy, Andrei in Satu Mare (with a German auto supplier).
Eugenia told me that it currently has debts to various neighbors and the pastor, as they required different medical treatments they would not otherwise be able to pay. Again, I've left a little money. Back tears.

My next stop was the family Ghivirighe, right now once again a concern. Jolan mother (the 17 children giving birth) has now been operated on. Another operation that was originally planned could not carry out the doctors because of their poor general condition.
The various reports about their condition is so absurd and contradictory - I think they did not even understand what you are actually missing, and what medical done or not can be done.
The doctor said in Cehu me that it probably is to liver cancer - at what stage? No one can tell me really.
But it's Jolan seen very bad.
When I arrived, we are taken outside the front door to each other. Part of the family just came back from a funeral. A 4-month-old grandchild of Jolan had died - I could not understand from which son or daughter what it was the child, even though I know the family for almost 20 years. The small house is always crowded - always packed with new children, grandchildren ... The strictly religious attitude of the family while helping them to endure their lives, but also prohibits contraception. I still can not understand - I can only help that at least the surviving children are not very starve. The children are innocent. Innocent and hungry.

One of Jolan sons (Peter 25) had worked until the spring in Hungary, and was able to send on the merits of various auxiliary works always some money home. Since the summer he is back home. Crisis in Hungary!
He has moved with his young wife and a 7 month old son a back room of the house - a disaster! No heating, no electricity, no food! The roof is leaking, the rags on the bed is wet and clammy - the walls of the adobe house is leaking - you can see traces of rat and corridors.

At least I really had a lot of food for this family there, and also a lot of money. Another month, "life" is secured.

counter 17h am I arrived quite exhausted in Cehu.
Together with Mariana and Adrienn we have opened some of the remaining packages, and compiled using lists many small bags. About 100 children are to be considered on Friday by Santa Claus in the nursery. Mariana and her colleagues had for extracting a Santa Claus costume worried.

addition, we have again small PAEC Checked with clothing, toys and sweets for poor families with many children packed together in Cehu.

The stories of poverty does not tear this time.
Mariana, who works in the nursery in Cehu told me that she has found a few weeks in the nursery every small black spots. You are looking from where this come. A little boy she had distributed. With his slippers. His father had smeared the completely perforated shoes with bitumen. At home it was so cold that it was. In a heated nursery it was soft again, and the little guy has left its mark everywhere. Visible signs of poverty!

We are looking for some children's shoes in the pack, and bring them to this family.
There are so many families who can not buy shoes for their children.

later - it is now quite dark - I make myself with Adrienn to a small city tour Cehu. We bring bags of toys and sweets to several families.
All the houses we enter are ice cold, it smells sour and unpleasant, in most it is dark.
The gifted children have bright eyes cry, the mothers.
In these families, I have no more pictures taken - I wanted to enlarge the shame of the mothers yet, but I will forget the Images in my brain quickly not.

was against everything we 20h but we Klich distributed everything except the bags, which will distribute the "Santa Claus" on the next day in the nursery.

Together with Mariana and Marcel, we have considered the evening a little balance - better and more effective we would not be able to use money and donations!

My return trip on Friday went smoothly and quickly. Today it is snowing in Romania - I finished my Christmas trip just in time. Probably accompanied us the Christ child.

Now it remains to me only, thank you very to thank you for thinking this year about the children in Romania - every donation, even if they are small helps us help - we try with every € the maximum to help.

your Uschy Schlichtinger

The photos of the Christmas drive 2009 can be found at: #

road in Romania


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