Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Barracuda Warranty Lookup

Christmas Trip to Romania - 2010

report and photos of the Christmas Day 2010

for the photos to the report: click here!

Dear friends, supporters, my sponsors,

last week I was on my annual Christmas trip to Romania.

Thanks to your help I could pack my VW bus full, once again.
especially Beate Richter (from Tusch & Richter, Regensburg) and the company BFTS-GmbH (Regensburg) had countless packs helped my car a little Santa Claus sled was similar.
But many private persons had sent me a lot of lovely little things.

Although we usually buy food in Romania, had this time I bought 100 kg of sugar and 150 gallons of oil in Germany, as these two staple food (unbegreiflicherweise!!) Currently cost in Germany, only about half as in Romania.

On 22 November was the evening it will come - in the car would fit in absolutely nothing! - And I've started.
Although in places it has, especially in Hungary, a lot of rain, I had a smooth ride, and was about 5 hours early in Cehu Silvaniei (1300 km).

with Mariana who was waiting for me already, we first discuss the latest news.

In Romania, the crisis is still No. 1 issue - no talk of a recovery, how it feels in Germany a little.

Since the summer of this year (and many private companies have followed suit) for all state employees to retain 25% of salary - to clean up the state budget.

means specifically for the Mariana example (a kindergarten teacher in Cehu) that she gets paid for months held the equivalent of 100 € monthly salary only 75 € - and this at a cooking oil price of 2, - € / liter! Other basic items do have a price level as in Germany.
Even during the days I spent in Romania on TV announced that this year the 13th Monthly salary is not paid out!

Mariana says that a general apathy is spreading - absolutely no one has more desire for such salaries (which in the majority-even without deductions, far below the poverty line are) still work to be performed.

I had Mariana tells how simple this time was my arrival in Romania - the border guard does not even have my passport want to see - even though the bus was chock-full clear - no doubt - just a tired hands - and a muttered "good trip".
Mariana is explained by the fact that the border officials have no desire to work.

on the border What I actually felt very comfortable - it has a cloudy drawbacks.

How should a country go forward if no one likes to work more?

clearly feel this is in the road.
More and more roads (even in the remote areas in which I am mostly on the road) and were to be repaired - or even totally resurfaced.
From Brussels, there are many subsidies for road construction in the EU-Romania new territory!
BUT - some begin now to go back on break!
How they look like winter and frost?
I think if the road workers use the same "enthusiasm" as the border guards ..... !

As for me (not the first time!) Impressed in Romania, is the cheerfulness of the Romanians!
Am I encountered last year because of the crisis still everywhere to a certain depression - this year they can again laugh, Romanians!
several times a popular saying: Well, we are hit by the crisis Romanians not as hard as other countries! - Finally, we are used to dealing with crises - we are stuck for decades in crisis!
Yes, I can confirm after 21 years of experience Romania!

The next morning, Marcel and I unloaded the bus first complete.
The packages that I have at home easily sorted on the viewpoint of the storage space will now be sorted by family and unloading station - something I store in Cehu first between -

Mariana a third of the Christmas package is replaced with a toy. They are on 6 December (Nicholas) be distributed in kindergarten in Cehu to all children.
I also have many smaller packages Beate - (each package is to specify whether girl or boy and what age) with clothes, shoes, sweets - a number which I will also at Mariana. She has spoken with the director of the kindergarten. On 6 December will also participate in the parents of the children at the St. Nicholas celebration -
Mariana and the director who know the domestic situations of the children very well, they are Made - and a whole series of children's shoes, I had this time there - discreetly to the distribute the parents.
Mariana will photograph - And when I received these photos, I will not upload into the appropriate photo album.

Having the bus with the packages intended for Zalnoc Bobota and had reloaded again, Marcel and I made the trip.

First to Zalnoc (70km), where most of our supported families.
Gheorghe and his family are waiting for me already.

me have again made in the new room of their home court - and we invite all the packages from there.

Then he calls me already waiting mothers come singly - I can in each case their Listen to all current concerns, the envelopes with the money distributed, and the packages. In addition, each family receives sugar and oil - depending on the number of family members.

There are no big changes compared to last year - except that I once again looking for a "mentor" me.

Adalbert Budai, laborer, father of 3 children (17 years, 15 years, 3 years) asked me for help. The two great children attend high school in Simleu.
I know the family Budai for almost 20 years. Adalbert is the only son of the late Paraschiwa normal height - all others are dwarfs.
Since all sons of the family are industrious and hard working - despite her short stature, they make good work (minimally paid workers) - we supported the 4 sons sporadically for a long time.
How Adalbert provides that visit two of his children's high school - it's not only the costs incurred, but it also lacks the merit of the children when they are a little contribute able to work - to me anyway mystery.

Adalbert tells me that alone the cost of monthly bus pass (about 30 km from Simleu Zalnoc away) 40, - € costs per child.
Since we all value a large good education of the children lay
(there are so many families that we support even in the second generation because the children uneducated and unenlightened, and their children put today in the same plight as it was 20 years her parents)
I promised that I will try to find a "godfather" of the at least the monthly 80, - € for Buskosten does.
The boy still has two years to go to school - the girls even 4 years.

Also, I'm in Zalnoc unloaded another part of the Christmas package with toys - Gheorghe and Florina have it now to the kindergarten children in Zalnoc distributed.

Then I make myself back on the ride. A trip to Grandma Bobota in Bratislava (10km).
Eugenia I have known for over 20 years. Her two grandchildren were at that time in the orphanage because her mother had left their children and the grandmother had no financial means to feed and raise children. Back then, we found a sponsor who paid a regular monthly support, and Grandma Bratislava has brought up two children for the best.
Andrei was able to visit the high school (which he finished as one of the best) - and thanks to a group led by Inge Vogl (Metzingen) Andrei was then the University visit (business), which he also graduated with top marks.
Andrei now works for a German auto supplier in Satu Mare (including his salary rather moderate, but at least he has for many years a stable job) - his sister Andrea for several years in Italy as a babysitter.
Bratislava Grandma is happy that her grandchildren doing well - but she is very alone now - and of course, is her small pension woefully inadequate!
I told her a little oil and sugar, a Christmas cake, a bit of chocolate has left - and so much money that they arrived on that day a load of firewood can pay.

And it was this long day to end and I went back to Cehu (60km).

After a much too short night we started again to load the bus.

Our first goal on Wednesday was the retirement home in Cehu Sivaniei (with integrated day care center for children with Down syndrome).

about this nursing home is much to tell, but this I will do the next day in a separate article.
lot I had-it was a Christmas present for travel home for the elderly. Some boxes of fine linen, towels, a few blankets - and of course oil and a carton 10kg sugar. In addition, a few boxes with toys for the nursery.

The initiator Elizabeth Crisan was just present themselves - and was very happy about my visit.
course, I've also shot a round through the entire home.
It is an enjoyable experience! The old residents are well taken, is on the various problems of the residents received individual, the staff are lovely, the rooms are well heated and spotlessly clean.

A particularly enjoyable experience is to visit the small workshop.
the old seats to fret, at the sewing machine, they shape clay, iron them straws, they weave twigs and stems.
One can see them clearly at how much fun they make their "occupational therapy"!
emerge pretty small crafts (right now, of course, mainly for Christmas) that adorned not only the home is, but the Elizabeth Crisan, thanks to their relations to Belgium, where he also sold and the proceeds come back to the nursing home benefit.

Around the House (the last renovation was completed only recently) are still a lot of work in progress.

parked outside the house "our" VW bus.
That we have received over 10 years by SATA (Kornwestheim) paid for our club and our supplies to Romania.

A few years ago we came to the conclusion that we (mainly due to significantly higher transport costs) are no longer carry many supplies to Romania -
(mostly we go today with money to Romania over, and either the money, or buy locally everything needed a)
we have the car to the home for the elderly (supported by the Rainbow Fundatie passed).

Here is this little bus makes daily hard work. Passenger Transport - patient transport - transport of goods ... an important supporting pillar for the home.
line is lovingly cared for the car - despite the years he has under his belt, despite the many miles on the bad Romanian roads - he is top in shot!
A gratifying (and, unfortunately, not necessarily typical for Romania) experience!

After satisfying this visit, I make myself back on track - now to just 20 km away Lelei.

currently lives here one of my biggest problem children - the family Ghivirighe.

Jolan mother (55 years) had 17 children (one this is the age of 12 years drowned) - and numerous grandchildren. Actually, every year when I come, is a new added.
husband Peter, who had previously worked as a tractor driver in an agricultural cooperative, unemployed since its closure over 17 years - he (and all older children) talk for years about all kinds of auxiliary works of water. Some aid is given to the devout family through the church - a lot of help for years by a "foster family" in Italy.

Jolan has been severely ill for over a year. I get inaccurate, illogical narratives about their condition, a doctor in Cehu told me that it was liver cancer - Is it true? I do not know.
is a fact that she was operated during more occasions, she looks a bit better than last year - but her abdomen is distended thick - and according to statements by Jolan and husband Peter is Jolan be re-operated (at the liver) - she has to adjust to Tirgu Mures to the hospital (about 250 km from Lelei) because neither the hospital in Zalau, still have this from Cluj Napoca the appropriate surgical options. Although the actual treatment is free - transportation, meals in the hospital, the general trappings - all costs! Where will the family get the money?

Jolan, me has known for 20 years, me begs (in the presence of her 13 year old daughter!): "When I die - please ensure that at least this child (a gesture in the direction daughter) somehow provides please - it is not on. road land! "

I see the wide eyes of her daughter - and my heart is so heavy.
is not here to help with money and goods! can and my mother's heart the view from the dark, terrified eyes of this sad child unbearable -
the girl I've known since his birth.

then I'm still a little walk around the small house, which in Moment almost four family houses.

Apart from the only heated (even freshly washed) "best room" of the parents - a disaster!
I save all the words and let the photos speak, which I did.

After many packages (food, candy, toys, shoes, clothes - again remain some of the packages that Beatrice has packed so lovingly for children) have been unloaded, I pass even the money-handling, and make me again way.

My last stop leads me to Somes Odorhei (51 km from Cehu).

lives here a friend and helper of mine - Vio.
She has worked for years as a kindergarten teacher in Somes Odorhei (since this is also for children to "our" goals) - a few years ago she attended a night school, and now works as a teacher at the elementary school.
In Vio now I leave the last third of the Christmas boxes with toys - they will be distributed to Nicholas in kindergarten - and a few boxes of the little-graders from Vios school.

Then I sit a little with my friend - and we chat.
Again, the "normal" situation of a middle class family:

Vio is a teacher affected by the 25% pay cut (and the deletion of the 13th month salary) - Vios man of the western in a car suppliers in Satu Mare had worked, was one of the first "crisis victims" already in December 2008 unemployed -
only now, after almost 2 years he has found a job - in road construction in Cluj! The about 120km then he must cope on their own expense - he works from Monday to Friday - and sleep at this time in a camp for the workers.
Whether the work will last through the winter can tell so far, no one.
Whether the small (now also reduced by 25%) Salary of a street worker will cover the expenses associated with the workplace? Vio do not know yet.

In any case, lacks the manpower of her husband bitterly during the week - without the pork, poultry, the large vegetable garden (and the related work) could also be this "normal" middle-class family barely survive.

evening I'm back in Cehu where I sleep at last.

The next morning I'll be on my way home (about 1300 km).

A small (and very typical) Episode I live to go.

At first Kilometers to Cehu goes before me a large open truck - loaded with lumps of earth.
When driving over a bump a huge chunk falls on the street - to me, almost directly in front of the car! These things are in Romania (the land of unimaginable transport) did not unusual - and I avoid the lumps.
stay 100 yards later, I stand, and climb out of the car.

stands by the roadside an "old friend" - a power poles - so very wrong for people to think he would fall over at any moment.
But in typical Romanian - he is not - and he will not erect!
I make a joke of it to photograph exactly the same power poles every year.

OK, I make my photo walks, one - and being prevented from proceeding further!

The driver of the truck-a very young man blocked the road - stop me - and starts without asking with loud assurances that he has already stated that he has lost a clump of earth - that it will be reversed immediately, and the streets clean .... !
I am so surprised that I'm not through my mind is to play a little game - and let him clean the streets.
I had to laugh, and I assured him that I only the power poles have photographed - and not him, his truck or the clods.

The man is very relieved! thanks (what of it?) - gets in his truck and drives off without the lumps of earth, which is still in the middle of the street to throw even a glance!

I have some time on this little story was thinking.

Romania - a country of the Balkans and Europe - between dictatorship and democracy - between anarchy and settlement - between yesterday and today!

The truck driver - certainly too young to have experienced the dictatorship, he knows full well that you would have to actually load that nothing falls to the street (which was interested in Romania have never been anyone, not even the police) - he also knows that if it already happened, he would have to clear the danger to others on the road - but it does not interest him! He wasted no thought for sure that this lump is indeed a danger -
but at the moment when he noticed that he is photographed - now he's afraid! before whom, actually? and, what -? before fine? the loss of his job?
The lie that he wanted to remove the lump immediately anyway - she gushes as honestly - as to their satisfaction from of it!
Then all clear - it was a misunderstanding! I was interested not for him!
Not even now, as he already is, has already got out ..... he does not come to mind, removing the lump now actually on the road!

The whole thing is so typical of Romania and its people!
Nowadays there is a clear awareness of how it should be - but without fear of punishment is that consciousness - consciously ignored.
How to implement a land laws, policies, an economy that is inspired by EU law, if the population still completely caught up in the old patterns is?

Do I have to write it?
Before I went back and made the trip - I've kicked the clump of earth from the road in the rhinestones Seng ravens!
It has given me some trouble - but also the good feeling that this after dark-existing risk potential is eliminated!

But I live and since I was born in a country where the road is alive - and it uses security measures, even if you do not expect to have that you will be punished!

Nevertheless, I am glad that no one has seen me there - I probably would have been considered crazy!

The lying still with me before 1300 km I have managed without any difficulty - the wonderful weather that had has been with me in Romania, is faithful to me all the way to the side.

The predicted snow for days after my return home begins to trickle - indeed in all the countries I have just visited the first place.

Once again I made it home in time!

Find All photos on the report at: http://picasaweb.google.com/uschy55/RO_Weihnachtsfahrt2010 #

Now remains for me only, I thank you all who have supported us in this year that I was able to perform the Christmas trip so successful. As you can see - every € arrived very directly and undiminished by the needy. On behalf of all those who may experience-thanks to you and your help-a little of the magic of Christmas, I wish you all

Merry Christmas - and a happy New Year

your Uschy Schlichtinger
first Chairman of the
family support for Romania eV

Should you subsequently want to help a little: Our bank account is empty! I have up to 10 - € cleared everything - well spent!
family support for Romania eV *
Account: 490 100 773
Sparkasse Regensburg (BLZ 750 500 00)
* tax-deductible donation receipts can be issued!

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