Thursday, January 27, 2011

Alberta Covering License Plate Law

Günther Anders, The antiquity of the human being. Vol.1: On the Soul in the Age of the second industrial revolution, Munich 7 / 1988 (1956)

(About Promethean shame, p.21-95;. The world as a die Phantom and Philosophical Reflections on radio and television, p.97-211, being without time to Beckett's play "En attendant Godot", p.213-231,. about the bomb and the roots of our apocalypse-blindness, p.233-308)

first Images, phantoms and information
second Wrong worlds (coram publico)
third Wrong worlds (Verbiederung)
4th Wrong worlds (production)
5th Wrong worlds (technology, A & B)
6th Wrong worlds (personal responsibility)
7th Man and Nature
8th homo, excentricus'
9. Sketches of an aesthetic education

The company resulting from the combination of technology and growth-oriented market economy, various forms of false worlds, as we have compiled on the basis of analysis of Günther Anders lead now to an appropriately gloomy assessment of an individual, an individual's capacity to take responsibility. The still innocent 'reasons for a pessimistic diagnosis of the defendant is already by Wilhelm von Humboldt division of labor in which man has as a possible subject of acts no longer on top of all the contexts of action. We know that already from the division of labor, production processes in the factory and in the bureaucracy. For the latter, we have coined the term "desk perpetrators" and therefore it is a part, harmless, since 'is mentioned, which includes but is actually a convenient excuse formula, because the' real 'after all, even the perpetrators perpetrators are looking for but elsewhere .

says Anders here of a kind lebensweltlichem action, meaning an act that is set by a collective subject in motion that every single one, co-subject ', a' co-perpetrator 'makes - leading ultimately to a fellow traveler: "The distinction (between, with-doing 'and' DIY-Do ' - DR) has become secondary to the present existence of man is usually not only bustle 'yet only transmissions are', not only acting Acts are not only, but rather, active-passive-neutral '. Let us call this style of our existence, medial . "(Antiquatedness vol.1, p.287)

The mediumship of this action, as we have seen, even by the 'pre-judgment character' is determined by the technical devices our own decisions always been pre-decided '(see, antiquatedness vol.1, p.2), so that we understand the action decisions of the technical life world only can. This of course in particular the consequences which this technical life world for freedom and self-realization of future generations. In other words, why have a categorical imperative of being allowed "to be Have only those things whose maxims and principles of your own actions ." (Antiquatedness vol.1, S.298)

The life-world, action is' by Anders on So the concept of "mediumship" position. Paradigmatic examples of this type of agency and action are the accused in the Nuremberg trials of Nazi officials: "Time and again, one could in those processes where, crimes against humanity 'were negotiated, see, that the defendant offended, embarrassed and sometimes even outraged were they at all as "persons" mentioned, so for the mistreatment of those who ill-treated, and for the murder of those they had murdered, held accountable. "(antiquatedness vol.1, p.287)

same attitude we have found the way again in the debates on climate change. Hardly anyone would like to be addressed in this respect as a responsible person. This refusal, we find both at the level of simple Man 'on the road and where the official in charge would look for: in politics. At this level, then glad referred to the global situation, make the national initiatives would not make sense. This responsibility refusal poisoned the entire social climate and also their mutual relations between the generations, because the mutual distrust - you are not moving at first, I do not move too - of course, affects the behavior to each other. From my car mechanic, who I respect very incidentally, I had - we have currently playing a slightly colder winter - until recently the usual listen to the litany of alleged lies on global warming may. She said that it just about the money to pull us out of the bag.

The atomic bomb has of course now especially true on the personal responsibility of man. Anders mentions four such consequences for the media character of human action: first, there is the existence not only of man but of all humankind, only to withdraw, so long as the bomb will not be spent (see antiquatedness vol.1, p. 242), and secondly it when the bomb is used, will be as if humanity had never been, because there will be no one to her no-longer-being could still take note of (see antiquatedness vol.1, p.244), it is third in the event of their use be no offender, since the implementation of the 'last order' as many switching steps, means that no individual could be held liable (and by whom - it is indeed no longer there (see antiquatedness vol.1, p.245)); Fourth, in the case of using the atomic bomb, the sheer Verhältnislosigkeit of means and ends to justify an insoluble problem (see antiquatedness Bd .1, S.247ff.).

From all different now surprisingly concludes that they are indeed a personal responsibility of knowing There. (See antiquatedness vol.1, p.256) In other stresses, even that "the real question of guilt for the first begin. Only now, because we now know what the bomb. How innocent still one may have been, now he is guilty if he those who do not yet see those eyes open "(antiquatedness vol.1, p.256) -. Goes with the nihilism of the atomic bomb so the innocence of the plain knowledge - without reference to concrete action to ensure the survival of humanity - are lost. All who know have a responsibility to open the non-knowing eyes. One could go further in the logic of this argument even further: there is absolutely no knowledge everything that could be justified regardless of the ultimate terms of the atomic bomb nor as knowledge. And therefore there is no innocent not to know everything: not an innocent non-factual knowledge on the ground to be an expert, or even lack of interest.

Such an opinion is given the diagnosis that all human action is only active-passive-neutral, astonishing, and one wonders how different open such a demand to the people's eyes, can ever justify. He can not! For this he must have some idea of the eccentric positionality of man, and which I would like in one of my next posts speak to come.


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