Saturday, January 8, 2011

When Do I Need To Get Pregnant To Be Due Feb 14

expression and meaning

Waldenfels challenges the "dualism of an outer or inside" (cf. ibid, The physical self. Lectures on the phenomenology of the body, Frankfurt aM 2000, p.224), without also taking into account only to draw that there are others, could be non-dualistic relationship rules: eg inner and outer as exchange ratio or as Doppelaspektivität. This exchange ratio is not a dualism, not even a dialectic, but only directions of references to the people and the world. As bizarre I find it, if forest rock feels a part, "about the contrast between inside and outside addition" to be (Waldenfels cf. 2000, p.219), but on the other hand, very naive of metabolic processes (see Waldenfels 2000, p.253) speaks thus of fundamental mechanisms of life, the very decision of the homeodynamics between inside and outside . Depend And not just as comical, but as I find it very annoying but if Waldenfels here to Plessner's eccentric positionality refers (see Waldenfels 2000, p.254), which was not known this Doppelaspektivität of inside and outside just including developed the metabolic processes of living organisms (see "steps", S.197ff.) added.

why I have some quotes from Waldenfels Plessner and the concept of expression collected by way of example, to make it to the fundamental difference between rock and forest Plessner significantly. Let's start with Waldenfels: is not just

"expression Nachaußentreten of what I've been inside, but the expression is the realization of the meaning;. it does not mean the outward manifestation of one mind that would internally already exists "(Waldenfels 2000, p.222) /" Traditionally it said it. (im, bodily expression '- d) for the exposition of the subject, although I avoid that word as possible "(Waldenfels 2000, page 228)

Two key moments in the two quotations from Waldenfels the term of the expression addressed: the meaning is completely in its implementation on the expression. There remains nothing unsaid. Whatever with 'meaning' may be meant, two aspects of its possible significance remain hidden here: the difference between meant and what is said (meaning) and the difference between signified and signifier (referentiality). Where is the sense of the expression 'fully realized, without rest, there can be only differentiality in which they express themselves - for example in terms of différance (Derrida) - but not between Ausgesagtem and unsaid.

The second aspect is the "self-presentation of the subject" in the "physical expression" Waldenfels expressed here its firm intention to avoid it if possible, from, subject to talk '. Whatever Themselves 'in the body in whatever way the expression' may bring, there is no inner while Waldenfels According to the expression, "as if we had something inside that is pushed to the outside" (see Waldenfels 2000 S.223f. ).

follow Next, two quotes from Plessner:

"adequacy of the statement as an inside really bring outward impulse to live and their essential inadequacy and brokenness as reaction and forming a never even coming out life depth - this apparent paradox can be determined by the Law of mediated immediacy and understand them as binding to the human Existence prove how the apparent paradox of the reality of consciousness because of the immanence. "(Steps, S.333f.) /" The distance of the destination of the intention from the end point of the realization of the intention is precisely the how or the shape, the way of the realization . Any stirring of life person who is comprehensible in fact, legend, or mime, is therefore expressive way, the what of an effort somehow brings, that is expressed, whether it wants to print or not. ... Not here is the content and then the form in which it is accustomed to the professional man who chooses to target certain methods. The anticipation of form, their calculation is only possible where the people about the reality of decision already know and the fulfillment of its intentions are guaranteed. The form, however, as the distance between the target point and end point of the intention of realizing the speech is, can be very reason not anticipate, take away the content and put it on the content, it results in the implementation. It happens to the content that is only held by the target during the implementation of the endeavor. And because it this way, a continuity between intention and performance, despite the previously unknown and essentially never in itself given the refraction of intention beam in the medium of mental and physical reality, has the subject to administer law by a success of his endeavor. " (Steps, S.337f.)

expression 'or' statement 'means first of all in Plessner exactly what the word' off 'presses, namely the "interior truly outward-making () movement of life." This movement is now broken into but at the same time, since they are never able to adequately translated into a form (expression)! This "inadequacy" is "essentially" so that the expression of the interior of an impulse to live only in so far is able to adequately implement 'that, in the form of failure, the failure of the statement, the original meaning only can be seen - as unfathomable life depth. " By fall apart so the "target" of the underlying "intention beam" and the "end point" of the utterance meaning is not precisely the same sense, namely because it is meant and what is said between an infinite difference. Moreover, according to Plessner every emotion a person's life is at once an expression of life, "whether it wants to print or not." Expression is therefore a basic form of eccentric positionality.

That still fall apart form and content, target point and end point of an utterance is not simply unrelated, and that there were "There is a continuity between intention and performance", is located on the held out "intention beam" of a subject of the statement that knows of his intentions only due to the opening that happens to them in the "medium of psychic and physical reality", ie development statement from the inside out and from outside to inside, from the 'soul' to the 'body' (bodily expression), and the ego (subject) to you (another subject) and back.

should be clear at this juxtaposition of rock and forest Plessner that there is a ratio determination of inner and outer sides of the either / or there and that this Doppelaspektivität is essential if you want to get the mind-body border and its significance for the humanity to the track.


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