Wednesday, January 26, 2011

List Of Los Hombres De Paco Episodes

Günther Anders, The antiquity of the human being. Vol.1: On the Soul in the Age of the second industrial revolution, Munich 7 / 1988 (1956)

(About Promethean shame, p.21-95;. The world as a die Phantom and Philosophical Reflections on radio and television, p.97-211;. Being without time to Beckett's play "En attendant Godot ', p. 213-231; about the bomb and the roots of our apocalypse-blindness, p.233-308)

first Images, phantoms and information
second Wrong worlds (coram publico)
third Wrong worlds (Verbiederung)
4th Wrong worlds (production)
5th Wrong worlds (technology, A & B)
6th Wrong worlds (personal responsibility)
7th Man and Nature
8th homo, excentricus'
9th Sketches of an aesthetic education

With the theme, technique 'we want to address with regard to two aspects: (A) how the' world 'of the devices (products) the difference of means and ends left behind has and (B) how the atomic bomb has destroyed any means-end relationship ultimately.

Two moments leads to Anders to world mark in the true sense: first, they must constantly resist ' be, so the actions of the people oppose a resistance (see antiquatedness vol.1 p.194,), on the other they must be independent ', ie transcend the means-end character of human action (cf. ibid, p. 2). The second point is not specifically designed by Anders. He just says the fact that the world is something "categorically different" than merely a "means". Allow me, however, interpreted this categorical otherness in terms of their nature transcendence. But what, transcendence character 'mean?

As a first moment, the most resistant of the world, we have a way with a unique selling done by the world as the subject par excellence. The second moment, however, that more than a means to be announced to the world with the everyday world. Only one would have to speak at the life of a world more each Mittelhaftigkeit excess of meaning and context of meaning. It might accordingly be also related to the living world, the means-end character of human actions, a transcendent, 'award that is meaningful function, while the world in the true sense in that it also includes non-human life, every human meaningfulness beyond.

If so, the system of units in the status of one who brought the world ', we have not to do such a world in the true sense, ie with a world that includes more than the space and the material for human action to make available. We are dealing rather with another form of the living world, that non-essential or necessary falsehood is to be measured by who turns out to be in the ratio of "equipment" and "user" as the master of meaning. But this is ultimately a question of the relation back of naivety and criticism. The devices world, describing is different, at least so far of any funds beyond character, as she herself has become the purpose, so that any human purpose being to their 'benefit', so must justify their capital character, " is the production of agents has become the object of our existence ." (antiquatedness vol.1, S.251) / "reason: precisely because they are no means to apply purposes . as futile "(Ibid, p.252) /" The purpose of purposes today is funding for resources to be "(Ibid, p.252) -. Today's academic world - especially in Germany - offers a sad example: knowledge may not be justified by its Selbstzweckhaftigkeit, but must prove its usefulness. Disciplines, who can not the be mercilessly deleted the (financial) means'.

Thus the technology is itself become of meaning, what is different with the absurd-sounding description of devices, the truly "gifted" from today "expresses. (See antiquatedness vol.1, p.40) That is to say that there is no longer a matter of developing the potential of man, but the potential of devices for which the person comes only as a 'user' into consideration. Making full use of the device potential (their "talent") is now regarded as the goal of social development. Thus, for example, in Time of the first PISA study (2000) lamented the fact that in German schools were too few or no computer and the students learned and were unable to serve them. To the individual development potential of the students thought it was not at all. - By the way, the related educational attitude led to the creation of a corresponding sub-discipline education: media education!

The life-world nature of the technical means is even more apparent in their pre-judgment character: "That they (the broadcast media - DR) still constitute 'means', it can be no question. First, means one ' essentially to be something secondary, that is, to follow the open goal; ex post, used for the purpose of, mediation 'that aim to be. Non 'means' they are, but, preliminaries': Those decisions are made about us, before we come to the train "(See antiquatedness vol.1, p.2) - That this is not only for. those produced by the broadcast media, Phantoms' applies, but for all technical equipment as such, it is clear from the other's formula: phantoms, goods, goods are prejudices. (See antiquatedness vol.1, S.161f.) Devices World does so as a symbol of resource, in terms of pre-judgments about human action, in place of the existing life-world.

The above-mentioned first aspect of our theme is, finally, that because of the technological nature of our economic system the world a more perceived only in terms of usability. Where resources have become purposes be abolished not only in universities useless Orchideen' subjects, but the world as a whole to a middle. She will be allowed no more unique selling point ". Unusable like it is not, or not worthy to be (antiquatedness vol.1, p.184) - This Forms a set of two axioms of a Wirtschaftsontologie, the other axiom is: " (E) rst in the plural, first as a series, is being '." (P.180) It follows that "what is just, as not- . '- and: "Should there be, it must be harvested" (p.188)]

In this Wirtschaftsontologie comes naturally only as a commodity: "In a sense, the economic ontology that is also a. ethics, just one that Bd.1 the salvation of the world chaos of his State of the raw materials, and sinful, 'the' inauthenticity 'mission is ... "(antiquatedness, P.185)

Even in regard to this technical world speaks different from a Promethean, slope ', which is close, however, to also Promethean, shame, and with whom he refers to the dissatisfaction of the people in dealing with his perfect devices, " except the one in Marxism-treated, is the difference between production relations and ('ideological') theories it as the gap between Make and imagining ; doing between and feelings: that between knowledge and conscience and, finally and above all between the device produced . and the (not on the 'body' cut of the device), body 'of man "(antiquatedness vol.1, p.16) - The gap between technical equipment and natural body, it went, as I said before all to shame. What make the gap between and imagining, doing and feeling, knowledge and belief are concerned, we now turn to the second aspect of our theme: the ultimate destruction of the means-end relationship in general.


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