Monday, January 24, 2011

Soap Note For Occupational Therapy

Günther Anders, The antiquity of the human being. Vol.1: On the Soul in the Age of the second industrial revolution, Munich 7 / 1988 (1956)

(About Promethean shame, p.21-95;. The world as a die Phantom and Philosophical Reflections on radio and television, p.97-211;. Being without time to Beckett's play "En attendant Godot ', p. 213-231; about the bomb and the roots of our apocalypse-blindness, p.233-308)

first Images, phantoms and information
second Wrong worlds (coram publico)
third Wrong worlds (Verbiederung)
4th Wrong worlds (production)
5th Wrong worlds (technology)
6th Wrong worlds (personal responsibility)
7th Man and Nature
8th homo, excentricus'
9th Sketches of an aesthetic education

Similar to "coram publico" believes, is different with the concept of "Verbiederung" a "process of Pseudofamiliarisierung" to describe who has previously had no name. (See antiquatedness vol.1, p.117) I would however also use this term to the topic assigned to the living world, also connected with the issue of a distinction between their non-essential and necessary falsehood. My suggestion for an appropriate distinguishing criterion consists in a relation of each individual naive and criticism.

also different is his concept of Verbiederung a counter concept to the side: the concept of alienation, while other but rather speaks of "alienation" as of "alienation" as the latter is now so pervasive in everyday language that they already broadcast some familiarity . (See antiquatedness vol.1, S.124ff.) A similar ambiguity of familiarity and strangeness we know him already from Plessner, who describes "enveloped in a hazy border" the life-world as "the the area of the familiarity of the foreignness of the game. "(See, laughing / crying, p.186) What is described by Plessner but as a phenomenon which occur in the familiarity and strangeness only as equal aspects of a world that is in contrast to a condition - and rationale: The Verbiederungsphänomene only hide the real alienation mechanism, ie, the alienation is the more original, real phenomenon and the Verbiederung is only one of its functions: "In fact, there is their (the Verbiederung - DR) main task is to, the causes and symptoms of alienation, that whole mess shaded, is the person one of his world, and it has alienated his world, to take away the ability to recognize this fact, shortly to provide the aufzustülpen alienation an invisibility cloak to deny the reality of alienation to her by keeping the road free for their unrestrained activity .. . (antiquatedness vol.1, p.124)

"Verbiederung" done by the commodity character of all objects of daily use and by the media coverage of the daily handling of the broadcast media: "Each item tends to be such that when used designed to handle, on demand, lifestyle and standard, mouth or eyes just. Your quality rating defined by the degree of adequacy, expressed negative: it depends on how low the resistance, which she opposes their uses are, and how little non-work-in foreign radicals left makes its enjoyment. There is also the mission a commodity now, it can not in eye or ear close real, determined to enjoy optimized in one, alienated, cored, assimilable state are served, so in such a way that they see us as our Simile , after our cut to size, as our one responds. "(Vol.1 antiquatedness, p.122)

The prototype of the world is the" land of plenty "(cf. antiquatedness vol.1, S.194f.). In dieser Verbiederungsutopie verliert die Welt jede Widerständigkeit: „Da die Stücke dieser Welt keinen anderen Zweck haben als den, einverleibt, verzehrt und assimiliert zu werden, besteht der Daseinsgrund der Schlaraffenwelt ausschließlich darin, ihren Gegenstandscharakter zu verlieren ; also nicht als Welt dazusein. Und damit ist die heutige ‚gesendete‘ Welt beschrieben. Wenn diese in unsere Augen oder Ohren hineinfliegt, soll sie als ‚ eingängige ‘ widerstandslos in uns untergehen; unsere, ja sogar ‚ wir selbst ‘ werden.()“ (Antiquiertheit Bd.1, S.195)

Die Rundfunkmedien tragen zu dieser Verbiederung in by all events in the world, no matter how near or far they are ready to use (arranged) deliver to the living room. This alone already carries the text of an atomic bomb explosion help to conceal the extent of such an apocalyptic event by Verbiederung. Which is impossible to imagine, is made conceivable by the visual transmission. Here one must think of the cute size of the Fifties screens, which additionally by "proportion embezzlement" (antiquatedness vol.1, p.153) - Unlike the terms "synchronous Nippes (antiquatedness vol.1, p. 152) - contributed to the trivialization of the atomic bomb, To understand how this works by other specified "Verbiederung" by the broadcast media.

The problem of Verbiederungsthese is that it leads back to the incapacitation of the individual Judgement on the historical process of industrialization, rather than to understand that the living world is a genuine achievement of human consciousness. Wherever people lived, was always living world! Therefore, the risk to the individual Judgement is not primarily historical, but anthropologically founded. Just like the counter-principle, the eccentric positionality - and thus the possibility of individual Judgement, not historically justified, but anthropologically is! Therefore advised the representations of the human condition in the 20 Century. (And his grandson in the 21st century.) Regarding his individual freedom / judgment, hopeless, as it is.

It lasts for Anders as to be impossible to see through the Verbiederungsprozeß. He still comes a time when the world was not so durchverbiedert as that of the fifties. In this respect, he can still draw the comparison between the past and the present. But someone growing up in this verbiederten world can not escape their crippling effect on principle. "Just as we already baked and sliced bread bake at home again, and may differ so little we can 'arrange, reached in and arranged vorgedeutetem state, ideologically again or suggest, or from what ab ovo as a' picture 'is happening to us in ideological already pre-cut is done us home again, make a picture '. I say we can not . Because such, second arrangement is 'not only unnecessary, but impossible "(antiquatedness vol.1, p.196)

What is different here as the' second arrangement" means, Plessner calls with reference to Nietzsche "second naivete." (See Nation, P.174) It is not clear why such a second naivete and such a second arrangement is not possible. Anders' argument presupposes that we replace it only a false consciousness (false life world) by another false consciousness (false life world), which really is in a sense, correct. But this second false consciousness is no longer the same as the first. It has turned into a confrontation. We are putting no longer helpless in him in there and finds him but we are facing now and have become mobile. And this flexibility is our freedom, we have a choice. The Gegenübergestelltsein of man makes a critical Dealing with naivete, and in this deal, it makes no difference whether this naivete is right or wrong. The false life world, the Verbiederung consists in the refusal to inform us to her in a relationship. I say deliberately refusal. For here we start our own responsibility, and it is up to us whether we make it or not.


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