Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Bridge Type R 12

Günther Anders, The antiquity of the human being. Vol.1: On the Soul in the Age of the second industrial revolution, Munich 7 / 1988 (1956)

(About Promethean shame, p.21-95, The World as Phantom of Philosophy and die. Views on radio and television, p.97-211, being without time. To Beckett's play "En attendant Godot", p.213-231, about the bomb and the roots of our apocalypse-blindness, p.233-308)

first Images, phantoms and information
second Wrong worlds (coram publico)
third Wrong worlds (Verbiederung)
4th Wrong worlds (production)
5th Wrong worlds (technology, A & B)
6th Wrong worlds (personal responsibility)
7th Man and Nature
8th homo, excentricus'
9th Sketches of an aesthetic education

"Homo excentricus'" is a word, 'excentricus I'm not a keyword in my Latin dictionary is found, that it is a retranslation from the from "ex" and centralis' compound, eccentric' is to Latin. With "homo excentricus" I want to express in any case that the eccentric positionality of the people I for one, think Wesens'-determination - and I actually have anything against the concept of essence. He is too metaphysical, that is, it makes the world fall apart in two parts: a physical and in an ideal, then the trick to putting them against each other and each other or subordinate. Now, however, includes just the concept of the Eccentric such dichotomy of being, ie the human being or even its 'nature'. A clear differentiation of 'world', 'being' and 'nature' would be at this point certainly desirable, but it is perhaps not possible. But above all I feel this on my current state is not able.

In any event, the suggested division of the people not in the sense meant that a moment another about-is subordinated or, rather, is meant his position (position) to the world: man is the world faced the same and is located in the middle of it, in the center. Plessner says that the man at the same center and the periphery. This positionality is derived from the specifically human relationship to his body so the body-body limit. In this respect, one can indeed speak of a 'nature' of man, for this positionality is immutable. This also applies to the technical access to the people, whether we are talking about cyborgs or Genexperimente. Even cloned copies would again grow to individuals simply because they had yet one body and thus a body-body limit. The extent that this is also cloned animals is, I will not decide here. My concern at this point especially to the people. But he has an eccentric positionality to the world that can be genetically manipulated not in principle. to

Without really have a clear idea of this eccentric positionality of people have found in Anders' analysis, a plethora of evidences. The concepts of shame as a disruption of identity reference of the people and the Promethean gap than in the technological civilization that opens "gap" between its assets, not keep up with technological developments, ultimately correspond to that described by Plessner "hiatus" between body and body, between having and being.

The Promethean gap, which I will here dwell there, especially between "making and presentation" and between "doing and feeling," from which all human action is a corrupting gap between "knowledge" results. involved (See antiquatedness vol.1, p.16) In making (making), action (action), imagination and feeling it is different according to different assets, from the technologically-oriented and growth-oriented market economy - say einachheitshalber: before capitalism - had been standing nearby in a human relationship.

This pre-capitalist close relationship corresponded but also any pre-stabilized harmony between these assets, so far as it is always a gap between mind and body, where between duty and inclination had (and we are in fact in the middle of the method described by Plessner border of body Do-and body-being), but this was, after all, a difference within which compensation was at least still possible: "Whether it is the antagonism between spirit and flesh" was, or between, duty and inclination '-! how awful the dispute might have been raging in us, every difference was nevertheless a still a human fact was, as she had just realized as a dispute ... since the fighters had not lost sight of each other, the duty not inclination, and the inclination not the obligation, was the contact and togetherness of the two guarantees just yet, the man was still there. "(antiquatedness vol.1, p. 272)

With the technical civilization, but now has the capability of making or producing increased to infinity, while the ability to survey activity relationships and synchronize feelings and ideas with the consequences of action, remained the same: "Every asset has therefore its power limit, beyond which it stops working, or can not register increases;. the reach of the assets are not in congruence "(antiquatedness vol.1, 267)

Anders finds this a beautiful picture of the assets to each other over a chasm call away, "... because you call so the gap-gap across, as if the remaining side of the divide assets people, and they: the imagination and the feeling is they who will listen, or to put us first to make ears' will. "(antiquatedness vol.1, p.275) - Here In other moves on the level of Plessnerschen eccentric positionality: man is himself compared.

is basically it for the various "assets", of which speaks differently here to the already known concepts of body, mind and spirit. And its relationship as an expression of personality I have in my posts so far described with the concept of "attitude". We have to say with a total disturbed, homeodynamics to do ': Every human attitude shatters in the face of the threat of the atomic bomb!

describes other end here, however, a fundamental problem of science, which increasingly occurs even as the technology and no longer under the original goal of the Enlightenment, namely aims for a unified system of knowledge. From this goal, the German universities with the so-called Bologna process have been finally adopted. Ulrich Beck had called in his book on the "risk society" (1986) a new orientation of science to the people. Man should again be the focus of research to ensure its survival. Such a single problem would have meant that the individual disciplines regain a systematic relationship, under which they perform their humanitarian contribution. But the opposite trend has prevailed.

any case leads us to the technological knowledge of the sciences in areas of a 'world', which must remain the human imagination and sense of wealth as a result of "scaling issues" fundamentally foreign. Scaling problems with size differences are meant to transform the respective objects into something qualitatively different. It starts with the purely quantitative overload of compassion in the face of suffering and death of thousands of people. With one or two of you can sympathize. With thousands of calls we are plain and simple. Thousands of people are just another 'object' as an individual, you 'looks at the us.

So what we are about the infinitely small and the infinitely large. What opportunities are opening up as the nanotechnology borders, not only in magic. For our imagination is magic! Not to mention the huge amounts of energy released by the destruction of the smallest element, the atom. The astronomical dimensions of space, in principle, exceed our imagination. Even Goethe was assumed that telescopes and microscopes represent a threat to the moral constitution of man because they kidnap him in a world beyond its perception.

A particularly striking image for this situation, Philip Pullman, in his book "The Subtle Knife" found. The magic meter is an instrument whose tip is invisible. This tip can be in the fabric of space and time to open a window and hatch in any parallel universe. In the concluding third volume of "The Amber Spyglass (Hamburg 2001), the risk is described that is associated with the use of this knife?
," Can you see the tip of this knife '
"No," admitted Will, because the blade tapers in such a fine point that was no longer visible to the naked eye.
, how can you know everything, what does it do? "'(P.201)

This is exactly the same problem, if we use nuclear power to generate electricity. We can not know can what we do because we do not see what we do. And there is this problem because we have a fundamental scaling problem, or how different it expresses a problem with the Promethean gradient.

The Promethean described by Anders slope now leads to another new, it has not seen before in the history gap that causes a new eccentric positioning of the people: the gap between the generations before and after the development of the atomic bomb and its use in partial Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the gap between generations that must live under the constant threat of atomic bomb, and those generations to whom they pass on this threat.

First the gap between us and our parents and grandparents: "The most important thing 'is, considered had, for us, sons, first titans' from our parents, the, last people become invalid, and their feelings are like us stranger ... "(antiquatedness vol.1, p.240) - This opens a new outer bodily gap position in which entire generations eccentric - the previous humanity! For the first time is a whole generation as such eccentrically positioned, which is equivalent to the fact that it has become the subject of action. The one must sometimes make it clear: there appears to be an act of individual subject, the existential structure is similar to how individuals, individual human being!

This eccentric positioning is supplemented by reference to the future of this generation: "The year 1967 is certainly for us, the future '. But regard the year 2500 as the future and the people of the year 2500 as our great-grandchildren, we are unable (antiquatedness vol.1, p.282). - We have another new, this time in the forward-looking gap between generations. However, as the concept of sustainability that mankind in ancient times had no problem to take into account the gap in their actions, resulting in the radical perspective of this future reference but very. (See Ulrich Grober, The discovery of sustainability. Cultural History of a concept, Munich 2010), it is possible to man just yet, the future of a hundred years and more involved in his actions. This ability, however, we lost in the current economic system completely, and we need to start again only slowly and painfully acquire. However

is what Anders concludes from this: "What religions and philosophies, what empires and revolutions have not accomplished: we really make a to mankind - it (the bomb - DR), it has been successful "(antiquatedness vol.1, S.308) - We have in fact a non-idealistic. rather the most realistic perspective on the human race won as a survival subject. With Plessner could say that humanity has to the world - whether they liked it or not and whether they like it or not - is positioned eccentrically. You must position itself now as a whole in a world in which it will be either continued or not.


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