Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Indian Tit In Big Bra

Günther Anders, The antiquity of the human being. Vol.1: On the Soul in the Age of second industrial revolution, Munich 7 / 1988 (1956)

(About Promethean shame, p.21-95;. The world as a die Phantom and Philosophical Reflections on radio and television, p.97-211;. Being without time to Beckett's play "En attendant Godot ', p. 213-231; about the bomb and the roots of our apocalypse-blindness, p.233-308)

first Images, phantoms and information
second Wrong worlds (coram publico)
third Wrong worlds (Verbiederung)
4th Wrong worlds (production)
5th Wrong worlds (technology , A & B )
6th Wrong worlds (personal responsibility)
7th Man and Nature
8th homo, excentricus'
9th Sketches of an aesthetic education

After it was gone in the last post about the technology with the Verlebensweltlichung our economic system associated disappearance of the purposes in means (A), is here now (B) with the ultimate destruction of any means- relationship by the atomic bomb to the disappearance of the central character go even . It will now be the standard producibility of goods to the infinite progression of technological options (progress) and go to the Promethean gradient.

is a basic principle of Wirtschaftsontologie fact that what is once, is not " Once does not count, it's only once, 'not, the singular belongs to not-yet . The axiom may sound absurd, and is actually difficult to understand. And that is because of what it as' being 'recognizes neither the "General" is, nor the individual', but a third: the series ... "(antiquatedness vol.1, p.180) - To reproduce this principle works, all products must be as often as possible in order to prove their effectiveness. There must be a corresponding requirement to the satisfaction of the products can serve as a means, because otherwise they are not consumed. And if they are not consumed, they can not be reproduced.

This basic principle is set by the atomic bomb suspended. Their apocalyptic proportions imply that even their one-time use such harm would that not then, consumers' more would be left, could be produced for the new atomic bombs. Even as a means' for the ultimate though, but it is therefore only used once to the extinction of humanity leaves the atom bomb from wirtschaftsontologischer perspective. All it does, even for this one-time use does not make sense, the bomb in, go to their series'. (See antiquatedness vol.1, p.261)

The producers of the atomic bomb are now falling on the way out, the bomb, experimental use ', for reasons of their continuous improvement to keep pace with technological advances as of the respective arch-enemy. The experimental character, which is awarded to the, experimental 'use of atomic bombs, but it ignores the fact that experiments usually take place in a manageable form and in a controlled environment with as little or no effect on the environment: "Each experiment had an isolated system constituted a task in a constructed Microcosm, its effect on the macrocosm of zero or no interest was the extent outstanding and (since Asked fact yes one, the law established ') might be the conclusions that one might draw from the outcome of the microcosmic model of action. "(Antiquatedness Vol.1 , p.259)

The closeness of the experimental field is in atomic bomb tests but only ideologically maintain, since (as it is now also stated in the 'green' genetic engineering) to "contamination by the 'experiments'" "Today" has "generally" is . (See antiquatedness vol.1, p.260) Each nuclear bomb test is therefore not an experiment, but immediately story: "For history knows no fun and no, for once again '." (antiquatedness vol.1, p.261) - So is the atom bomb, the first and only technology product in a "world of resources", the no way more. (. Bd.1 See antiquatedness, S.248f)

This brings us to the second point: a, unit 'as the atomic bomb, the serial production and the constant technological improvement simply makes no sense, is not only the "spirit of industry in question (see antiquatedness vol.1, p.250), but the basic idea of modernity: the idea of progress: "The ability forward to the end 'set, was taken from us by the generations of faith in the supposedly automatic advancement of the story. . Even those of us who believe in progress not been () "(antiquatedness vol.1, p.277)

The term of the negative is familiar to us only as a dialectical principle, as embodied in the Mephisto in Goethe's Faust as force which always wants evil, but always creates the good. (See antiquatedness vol.1, p.278) The ultimate, absolute end, from which follows anything new, beyond the limits of our imagination, which brings us already arrived at Promethean gap: our imagination holds with the one thing we can do, not step.

The concept of progress - by the way - closely related to the perceived economic growth as an inescapable fate. The fact that the economy must grow, despite the recent banking crisis of 2008 so do not excise it out still in the minds of economists and politicians. Economic growth is "in us - qua evolution - in the genes. This setting, however, belongs to the ideologies, which, unlike other imagined it, not long ago, "true lie" (see my post of 23:01:11), because the reality to open eyes and an untroubled Perception is far different. It would be, really an 'end', which our imagination has grown in principle, namely, an end to growth (which still would not necessarily amount to an end of progress), from which could really emerge something new. To imagine such a thing, it just needs some imagination.

we come to the third point, the Promethean gradient. According to different from the old and outdated educational idea of proportional humana long been a disproportion. Accordingly, "we are, where the consequences of these disparities are not actually destroy the zerrissensten, which in itself disproportionated, the inhumane Beings who has ever seen. Compared with the current rift, the antagonism with which the man had been to resign, were in fact harmless. Whether it is the antagonism between spirit and flesh "was, or between, duty and inclination '- how awful have raged in the dispute are also liked, but was any difference so far still been a human fact, when they just as controversy had achieved ... since the fighters had not lost sight of each other, the duty not inclination, and the inclination not the obligation, was the contact and togetherness of the two guarantees just yet, the man was still there. " (Antiquatedness vol.1, S.272)

What is this gap? The atomic bomb has other, according to people - transformed into a new species that has interrupted the sequence of generations irreversible - for the same morphology. (Antiquatedness vol.1, S.239ff.) Your apocalyptic scale that includes the final destruction of mankind, has given modern man an infinite power, as they have never been his ancestors and parents. He is no longer a man, not a superman in Nietzsche's sense: he is a Titan. (See antiquatedness vol.1, S.240f.) But to act only in terms of its ability. But not in terms of its abilities, the consequences to feel his actions to introduce and compassion for those affected. His skills fit together so no more: "Since the assets have moved away from each other, they can already see each other no more, because they no longer see each other, they become no longer together (), because they do not clash, they do today no longer harm. In short, the human being as such even exists no longer, but the doer or-producing here, the sensing end there, man as Producing or as feeler, and reality comes to own these specialized human fragments (antiquatedness Vol. 1, S.272)

The abilities of the people are so fallen apart, that one can not draw it more simply as just actors to account. Even his inaction makes him guilty. This is not meant that we should protest against the bomb and make non-violent resistance. So that the owners of the atomic bomb are meant. They are the source virtual violence, but the fact that they possess them without applying. (Antiquatedness vol.1, p.250) Because of the bomb presents a threat, as applied, they would , and this makes all the people on this earth already become victims before they actually used: "As long as the offender the device (the atomic bomb - DR) abolishes not as long as he, just by being there has that threatens him, as long as his actions that he calls wrong in experiments', continues for as long he must be regarded as guilty . And indeed, as the effect of an action in Annihilation is. guilty of nihilism ; of nihilism on a global scale "(. S.295f)

Sun gets the bomb even a new sense of nihilism, which the Annihilation, which is the destruction of mankind. And nihilists are no longer any active underground lone against the respective rulers, but the rulers themselves, even if they themselves know nothing about it and see themselves in a completely different light.


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