Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Infantcarhartt Jacket

Günther Anders, The antiquity of the human being. Vol.1: On the Soul in the Age of the second industrial revolution, Munich 7 / 1988 (1956)

(About Promethean shame, p.21-95;. The world as a die Phantom and Philosophical Reflections on radio and television, p.97-211, being without time to Beckett. "En attendant Godot", p.213-231, about the bomb and the roots of our apocalypse-blindness, p.233-308)

first Images, phantoms and information
second Wrong worlds (coram publico)
third Wrong worlds (Verbiederung)
4th Wrong worlds (production)
5th Wrong worlds (technology)
6th Wrong worlds (personal responsibility)
7th Man and Nature
8th homo, excentricus'
9th Sketches of an aesthetic education

Anders speaks of the commodity production as a system context (see antiquatedness, p.2 277f.u.ö.), explicitly in the Sense of a 'world', and he adds: "And 'world' is something other than 'means'. Something categorically different . "(Ibid., p.2) The extent to categorically different? At least not in the sense of a world in the true sense, belongs to the so resistiveness. (See antiquatedness, p.194) We have a rather, do the world 'in which the resistors themselves "are now become products." (See antiquatedness, p.200)

Goods in the world of commodities "tends" to "so be that they handy in use, tailored to needs, lifestyle and standard mouth or eyes just. Their quality level is defined by the degree of their appropriateness; expressed negative: it depends on how low the resistance, which she opposes their uses are, and how little non-work-in foreign radicals their enjoyment leaves something to be "(See antiquatedness, p.122). - In other words, the world of commodity production tends towards full virtualization of reality, and so obeys the development of a digitized world of Web 2.0, like we have witnessed in recent years, the same considerations.

Again, we have to do so with a life world, a world that writes like Anders, man "fits" like a "glove" and it therefore carries with it without feeling it. (See antiquatedness, p.194) But the diagnosis of a world gone to the tailored clothing (not without the ironic reference to the ready-made) is still not deep enough contrast. Not only that we consume products without us, nor any "foreign radical" to their original reality content, remember her character would object - it is so that we participate through our consumption in the production process. (See antiquatedness, p.103) In the second industrial revolution, we are not dealing with the class distinction of owners of means of production and the work to do, but all, even the capitalists are taking part on the consumption in the production process by co-produce itself as a product in this production chain, as part of the world of products. The result of this production chain is the consumer or the mass of humanity that includes the production chain to a cycle, because the consumed must be reproduced by him in turn.

, The products are a systems context 'now means that the consumer no longer is the center of the production process so that a needs-based offer only in the inverted sense, the issue may be that the products themselves to become the center of the needs are. This is first meant that the products depend on each other ("interdependence" (see antiquatedness, p.178)). For operation and maintenance of acquired products in turn requires other products do not work without their Mitfunktionieren only a single, isolated product would. It's like the old Scottish joke: a Scot complains about a gift of a book because he now has to buy a reading lamp. If we think only of our PCs and the immense variety of applications that we have to rebuild added on and so we know exactly how much the sad reality of commodity production now become.

goods have thus become even needs rather than to satisfy our needs "... our needs are now nothing more than the prints or reproductions of the needs of the goods themselves (antiquatedness, p.178) - The needs of the products is thus commandments whose categorical imperative ". need to Learn the one what is offered to you! (antiquatedness, p. 172) And this brings us to highlight the other's reasoning: fit and consumer products such as original and copy - Anders speaks of "die" - together with the original in the products and man is only found as a copy. (See antiquatedness, p.197)

But this view is not dark enough contrast, the loss of the world can still not clear enough to express. Thus he speaks of relief-like matrices as high and low relief, so how Sprockets fit together: "Always the consumer is already vorverbildet, always archetypes, always matrizenreif, more or less equal, he always had the form that can be impressed him is. Each soul is the matrix of fit, as it were a relief to him as a low corresponding high relief ... The back and forth between man and the world takes place between two words as an embossing take place end events, as movement between the matrizengeprägten reality and matrizengeprägten consumers;. a most ghostly manner so as to deal in his ghosts with (from ghosts prepared) ghosts (antiquatedness, p.197)

more thoroughly you can bridge the gap, the hiatus between man and world, between inside and outside, do not bring to disappear as in the image of a seamless interfitting low and high reliefs. Just as the gears engage each other, attacks on other products in the world in human form, and vice versa, the human form in the gears of the 'world'. The "back and forth" is then only a mechanism that is taking place, which brings nothing but more expressed.

At this point even more radically different than in his essay on the "Promethean shame" (see antiquatedness, p.21-95), where the man that Prometheus who stole fire from the gods, and so finally people in a long process of enlightenment and mechanization in the place of the gods began to be ashamed of his humanity, given the perfection of its products begins. Because he must himself in his home, in his not-made, naturalness remain 'imperfect and behind its products, now he is ashamed of them, and turns them it an honor that used to be the gods have been reserved, which he then turned into an act of liberation itself, and on which he now dispensed in an act of self-abasement and Selbstverknechtung so lightly.

blatantly Thus, this development re-submission and incapacitation of the now "antiquated" People may appear, is - it is still not as radical as the representation of people and their products as meshing gears for a Promethean in the pubic to and explicit technical insufficiency of the people do not 'space' can be more. All the more amazing is that other one yet, rest ' an unfulfilled need on the part of man can be left. He speaks of a "second hunger": "... We are so pleased that the satisfaction of the first need is not the result of our own affairs, we feel cheated ... then breaks, the second requirement, 'the' second hunger 'from: not hunger for loot, but to toil, not for bread, but after his purchase, not after the goal, but after now becoming the target, means. " (antiquatedness, p.199)

But by this second Hunger is the virtualisation process of world and life world is not really interrupted. For now, the missing resistors are produced artificially, they are, as mentioned earlier, even on products. To this end, there are sports and hobbies, where man overcome representative of the lost world opposition and produce their own things (making things), may be deemed not already own a product. (See antiquatedness vol.1, S.201f.)

Again, we can in the present problems related complications, increases of this virtualization process. Apart from computer games where we go on an adventure, or play in virtual worlds through virtual life processes and living, I would simply refer to the Web 2.0. This is really not only the place of the old oppositional world entered, but it is even long since been a substitute form of the 'old' life-world, where people still meet as people and not as avatars become.

But yet the Anders described second hunger, the hunger for reality, a lot of interesting phenomenon, as if that is how different it stay as short and relatively superficial. Finally, this opens up, like Anders explicitly notes "(e) ine certain gap between supply and product demand", a gap that says Anders remains open, always, for "residue-free matching of demand with the offer, it is never. "(See antiquatedness, p.171) not only from a seamless and seamless, but like gears meshing transition between product and consumer can therefore be no question.

What else here miss is that this "hiatus", it always remains open gulf, so small and seamlessly he may think it is also, however, a gap remains, a boundary between the inner and outer, which in Plessner the eccentric positionality of man shows. Therefore, like the virtualization of the world still make life so much the world to disappear - the physical nature of man can not make it disappear, and this will always be a Piece is not made the world in the artificial production which protrude. Where else should come from Anders mentioned second hunger for self-efficacy? This second hunger would let himself be not permanently closed, if we could manipulate the people entirely genetic, because any genetic manipulation require the physical nature of man once and renew would, and from it, genetic manipulation, which emerged man had recovered one body and would be positioned so eccentric.

so dark so the virtualization of the life-world (and I mean lifeworld not world) as a disaster to the people may have been, - freedom is not so damaged. And this freedom is individual and a Sneezing (Nishitani) or with a laugh or cry (Plessner) at any time given again.


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