Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Do You Connect Floor Monitors To A Mixer

Günther In contrast, the antiquity of the human being. Vol.1: On the Soul in the Age of the second industrial revolution, Munich 7 / 1988 (1956)

(About Promethean shame, p.21-95;. The world as a die Phantom and Philosophical Reflections on radio and television, p.97-211;. Being without time to Beckett's play "En attendant Godot ', p. 213-231; about the bomb and the roots our apocalypse-blindness, p.233-308)

first Images, phantoms and information
second Wrong worlds (coram publico)
third Wrong worlds (Verbiederung)
4th Wrong worlds (production)
5th Wrong worlds (technology, A & B)
6th Wrong worlds (personal responsibility)
7th Man and Nature
8th homo, excentricus'
9th Sketches of an aesthetic education

Last post was about humanity as the bomb shaped survival subject of the question. The eccentric positioning of individual generations to her predecessor and successor generations was been shown in principle as the eccentric positionality of the individual alike. That was perhaps a little premature. Anders even really think was that mankind was under the bomb no choice but to come to himself, "because to do otherwise would mean their certain end. He has not taken the trouble to the status of humanity in contrast to that of "religions and philosophies ... Empires and revolutions "meant to distinguish detail. (See vol.1 antiquatedness, S.308) In Plessner is in this context, the difference between 'community' and 'society' spoken and recorded, that the idea of humanity only in the context of a socially oriented community property, could be addressed. In short: the 'human' is on Plessner above all a matter of "spirit" and not the 'soul'.

What does this mean for humanity, the other is in the speech? This man initially seems to be a subject community because it is in their common yes to the matter of survival. If you look closely, it is probably still more of a community of souls, for other designs such thing as an aesthetic education program to expand the emotional capacity of the soul. After the reference to "a long series of historical expansion examples ..., especially from the history of magical and religious practices of mysticism "is different to 'us' in his view, more immediate expansion technique of" music "to speak our mind on such a" text size " to extend "can" we could not even give her. "(See antiquatedness vol.1, S.313) With the music, it hopes to Anders any event, can generate" feelings and moods, so that Promethean the gap between doing and feeling may be reduced by a corresponding sense of musical training could. ((See, vol.1 antiquatedness, S.313ff)

From the other side of the Promethean her gap would then be tried, the technology itself due to a human scale. "If it is our fate, in one (of ourselves to live produced) world that is beyond our imagination by their excess and our feelings and have thus fatally compromised, then we have to try to catch this excess (antiquatedness vol.1, p.274) -. Anders adds, "and indeed precisely to gather," then how an ejected rope, catches up, that is, they . back "(antiquatedness vol.1, p.274) - This is directed against the other obvious idea of a race between man and technology and calls for the return of the economic order to a human scale.

It is conceivable for other that man and technology from two sides, could by musical extension of the emotional capacity and by recycling the technique on a human scale, approach each other again and to find a new relation of correspondence. The maxim of such an aesthetic education program would then read: "Have only those may be things whose maxims and principles of your own actions (antiquatedness vol.1, S.298) -. Such a maxim could connect to the technical needs through advanced mental capacity, with a degree in human-oriented technology.

somehow remember the other's thoughts - with all due respect for Anders' philosophical and political engagement - but very much of Peter Sloterdijk's "human zoo". Anders goes so far - despite all its criticism of the art - from "self-transformation techniques" to speak. (See antiquatedness vol.1, p.275) Current can be coined in 1956 Hardly be realized because one inevitably to Sloterdijk's book "You must change your life" (2009) incident that occurs with an apparently revolutionary songs all conditions under which it is received but, unfortunately, very tame. For in reality must be maintained, because, according to Sloterdijk clearly changed everything has always been and we therefore need to continue the only way to continue to change everything as before.

is obviously different with Sloterdijk not put on a stage - but also his self-transformation techniques appear but given the radical nature of his analysis rather than cute. The real problem, as we and the I You are a soul to the global community, we a world community, that will come to humanity, the whole issue of the relationship between community and society is, in Anders' aesthetic program no longer. It goes to the actual issue that should be here in the center, the attitude 'of the people, so how he keeps,' as he has 'and how he positioned' over. In contrast it is ultimately returned a loss, and thus it is with me with him at the end otherwise than by Sloterdijk, in which I do not, however, how he would count at all to the people's friends.

In Sense of a people friendly I would in any case other the last, give the last ten posts final word: "And what sprouts there on the desolate barren ground of futility: the mere sound of humanity, only a tiny consolation, and also knows the consolation not know why it comforts and at what Godot, she comforts - it proves that heat is more important than meaning;. and that it is not the metaphysician who may have the last word, but only the friend of man "(cf. antiquatedness Bd .1, p.231)


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